“I am fruitful and multiply. Subdue and have dominion on the earth over the Fish of the Sea, Fowl of the air and over every Living thing that moveth on the earth.” (Gen 1:28)
“God has blessed me and made me a great nation, and I am blessed with an abundant increase of favours, I am famous and distinguished and I am a blessing; dispensing goods to others.” (Gen 12:2)
“I do not live on any man’s mercy for the Lord my God is he that give me wealth and power to get worth, and by doing this he establishes and conforms his covenant with me.” (Gen 14:23, Deut 8:18)
“I keep and do the words of the covenant therefore I prosper in all that I do.” (Deut 29:9)
“I hearken diligently to the voice of the Lord my God, and I observe to do all his commandments, which he has commanded me; therefore, I am set high above the nations of the earth, empowering blessings of the Lord come upon me and they overtake me. I am blessed in the city and the field, blessed is the fruit of my body, the fruit of my ground, the fruit of my cattle, the increase of my kine the flocks of my sheep. Blessed is my basket and my store. Blessed I am coming in and going out. The Lord has caused all my enemies that raised against me to be smitten before my face, they come against me one way and fled before me seven ways. I have the Lords commanded blessings upon my store house and in all that I set my hands to, he has also commanded his blessings on the land that he has given me. I am established as a holy person before the Lord by him, as I walk in his, ways. All the people of the earth see that I am called by then name of Lord and they are afraid of me. The Lord had made me plenteous in goods, in the Fruit of my body and cattle and in the fruit of my ground and in the land which the Lord has given me which he swore to my fathers to give me. The Lord has opened to me his good treasure, the heavens to give rain in its season and he has blessed the work of my hands. I lend to many nations and I do not borrow, I am the head and not the tail, I am above only and not beneath, because I hearken to the commandments of the Lord my God and I observe to do them.” (Deut 28:1-13)
“The book of law does not depart out of my mouth, and I meditate on the word day and night, and I observe to do all that is written in it and I have a good success and a very prosperous way.” (Joshua 1:8)
“I seek the Lord and he causes me to prosper.” (2 Chron 26:5)
“I believe on the Lord my God and I am established, and because I believe his prophets therefore I prosper.” (2 Chron 20:2)
“Though me beginning was small yet my latter end shall be greatly increased.” (Job8:7)
“CHRIST has redeemed me from the curses of the law (sickness and poverty) because Christ was made a curse for me, therefore I receive the blessing of Abraham through Jesus Christ my Lord, and I receive the promise of the spirit through faith in him.” (Gal 3:13,14)
“I prosper and am in health even as my soul prospers.” (3 John 2)
“I have sown to the spirit, therefore, of the Spirit I reap life everlasting; I do not grow weary in well doing (giving) for in due season, I reap because I do not lose heart, therefore, as I have the opportunity to give I do so especially to those who are of the household of faith.” (Gal 6:8-10)
“I bless the God and Father of my Lord Jesus Christ, for I am blessed will all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.” (Eph 1:3)
“My God supplies all my needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” (Philip 4:19)
“According to his divine power I am given all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who has called me to glory and virtue. I am also given exceeding great and precious promise that by these I am able to escape the corrupt on that is in the world through lust.” (1 Peter 1: 3,4)
“As I preach the gospel, therefore I live by the gospel, because this is the way the Lord has ordained it.” (1 Cor 9:4)
“Because I sow bountifully therefore I reap also bountifully, I give as I purpose in my spirit not grudging or because there a necessity, for I give cheerfully, for God loves a cheerful giver and God who is a makes all grace abound towards me that I always have all sufficiency in all things and abound to every good work.” (2 Cor 9:6-8)
“I give therefore it is given back to me good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over men give into my bosom, for as I have measured it is also measured back to me.” (Luke 6:38)
“Through Christ’s poverty I am made rich, because of his grace being rich he became poor, so might be rich.” (2 Cor 8:9)
“I bring all my tithes and offerings to the storehouse (church) and there is meat (provision) in God’s house, and by doing this I prove the Lord and he opens onto me the windows of heaven and pours out his blessings that there is not enough room to receive it, and God rebukes the devourer for my sake and he (devil) does not destroy the fruits of my ground nor my vine cast her fruit before the time.” (Mal 3:10-11)
“The silver and gold is my Lords who is my father, therefore it belongs to me.” (Hag 2:8)
“I have an anointing to prosper, for I walk not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor do I stand in the way of sinners, and nor do I sit in the seat of the scornful, I delight in the law of the Lord and in his law do I meditate day and night, and I am like a tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth his fruit in its season, my leaves do not wither and also whatever I do prospers.” (Ps 1:1-3)
“I ask of the Lord and he has given me the heathen for my inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for my possessing.” (Ps 2:8)
“I shout for joy and am glad for I favour God’s righteous cause, and I continually say the Lord be magnified, who taketh pleasure in my prosperity.” (Ps 35:27)
“Empower to prosper I am because I have made the Lord, trust and I respect not the proud and such that turn to lies.” (Ps 40:4)
“I bless the Lord who daily loads me with benefits, the Lord of my Salvation.” (Ps 68:19)
“The Lord is my shepherd; I do not want or lack.” (Ps 23:1)
“God supplies all my wants because I fear God, though the young lions may lack and suffer hunger, I shall not, for I seek the Lord my God.” (Ps34:10)
“Though I sowed in tears I reap in joy, for I went forth weeping, bearing precious seed (last one of the barrel) therefore I come back rejoicing, bringing my harvest with me.” (Ps 126:5,6)
“I honour the Lord with mu substance and with the first fruits of my increase, therefore my barns are filled with plenty, and my presses have burst out with new wine.” (Prov 3:9-10)
“I cast my bread upon the waters and I find it after many days. I give a portion of seven even eight, my sowing (giving) is not based on feelings or situations, but I give based on the word of God and by faith in his words.” (ECC 11:1,2,46)
“I take no longer in life, saying how my daily necessities are going to be met, but I seek his (God’s) kingdom (His ways of doing things and being right) and his righteousness, and all these necessities of life are added to me by God.” (Matt 6: 25-33)
“Jesus has not only given me life (Eternal life) but life in its abundance (the richest measure of all I need and want).” (John 10:10)
“I owe no man anything except to love one another, and by love I fulfil the law of God.” (Rom 13:8)
“Because I am of Christ, therefore I am Abraham’s seed, and heir according to the promise of God.” (Gal 3:29)
“My character and moral disposition is free from the love (lust, greed, craving for earthly possessions) of money, I am always content with God’s supply for it is abundant, for He has said I will not fail you nor give you up or leave you without support, He will not, He will not, He will not, in any way or degree leave me helpless, forsake or loose or relax his hold on me.” (Heb 13:5)
“I am not slothful (lazy), but am a follower of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.” (Heb 6:12)
“I do not cast away my fearless confidence, which has a great recompense of reward, for with patience; after I have done the will of God, I receive the promise.” (Heb 10:35,36)
“My sufficiency is of God.” (2 Cor 3:5)
“Because I left house, brothers, sisters, father, mother, children, and land for the gospel’s sake, therefore I have received a hundredfold NOW in this time, houses, brothers, sisters, mother, father, and children and land, though, through persecution and eternal life in the age to come.” (Mark 10:29-30)
“The blessing of the Lord upon me makes me rich and does not add any sorrow with it.” (Prov 10:22)
“I scatter (sow seeds financially) but I increase more, because I am a generous soul, I am made rich and because I water, I am also watered back.” (Prov 11:24,25)
“I am a rich man and am leaving a rich inheritance for my children’s children, and because I am righteous the wealth of the sinner is finding its way eventually into my hands, for it was for me that; that wealth was laid up for.” (Prov 13:22)
“I arise and shine for my light has come, and the glory (heaviness) honour, splendour, power, wealth, authority, magnificence, fame, dignity, riches and Excellency) of the Lord has risen upon me. I lift my eyes and see the Gentiles come into me to serve me, therefore my heart is swelling up with joy, and the abundance of the people turns to me and the wealth of the Gentile comes to me.” (Isa 60:1,4-5)
“The Lord is restoring to me the years of the harvest that the devil had stolen and taken from me, but now I eat in plenty and am satisfied, I praise the name of the Lord, who has done wondrous, my storehouse is full and overflowing, Praise God!” (Joel 2:24-26)
“Behold, I am living in the days of instant multiplication, where the ploughman is overtaking the reaper, and the Treader of grapes the sower of seeds, because it is harvest time. I reap and sow back to God’s kingdom, and reap and sow again Praise God its harvest to me.” (Amos 9:13)