Our Faith

The Word of God (Bible)

The Bible is the inspired Word of God, the product of Holy men of old who spoke and wrote as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. The Bible is the final authority in this ministry. We accept it as the infallible guide in matters pertaining to the spiritual, physical and mental realms of every human being.

Man, his Fall and Redemption

Man is created in the image of God, but through the transgressions of Adam; sin came into the world, then all became unrighteous and sinners, fallen from glory. Jesus is the only way to restoring man back to God and it’s not by the works of the law that one gets his redemption to and forgiveness of sins, but by grace (salvation is a free gift of God) and faith in Jesus Christ. One therefore must repent and turn from wicked ways to God and His Word for guidance. New birth is necessary for all men, and the new birth brings about eternal life.

Divine Healing and Prosperity

These two are one of the many major beliefs of our Christian faith. Healing for the physical body is God’s promise and wrought by God, by the prayer of faith and the laying on of hands. God is the owner of the earth and his desire is for his children to prosper and no lack or want and live in poverty.


We believe in conducting our lives by the Holy Spirit in a high level of integrity, love (unconditional), faith, joy, self-control, purity, humility, patience, peace and obedience to his Word. We believe in keeping the ministry of Jesus, pure financially and sexually. Desiring and declaring Jesus Christ is Lord.

The Godhead (Trinity)

We believe that there is one God, but manifested in three persons. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit is co-equal. God (Spirit) loves us so much that he became flesh and dwelt among us, as Jesus, the after Jesus’ resurrection, He lives in us by the Holy Spirit.

Water and Holy Ghost Baptism

We believe baptism by water by immersion. It is a symbol of the Christians identification in his death, burial and resurrection. We baptize in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Lord Jesus Christ, according to ones confess of his faith in the Lord Jesus as Saviour, and Lord. Baptism of Holy Ghost and fire is a gift of God promised to every believer by Jesus Christ. The experience is accompanied by the initial evidence of speaking in other tongues as the Holy Spirit gives them utterance.

Return of the Lord and Resurrection of the Righteous

We believe the Lord Jesus returns for his Saints in the air before the tribulation (Resurrection) (glorification) followed by (after 7 years) his return to earth to reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords to reign for a 1000 years. Everyone who does not receive Jesus as his Saviour is cast into the lake of fire (literally) as eternal punishment. Everyone who receives Jesus as Lord will be in Heaven eternally in joy and ecstasy in the presence of God.

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